3.5 Settings


From Dashboard click to Jobs > Job Settings

3.5.1 Settings > General

Page Settings

  • Login Page: using shortcode [iwj_login pre_text=""]
  • Register Page: using shortcode [iwj_register]
  • Lost Password Page: using shortcode [iwj_lostpassword]
  • Lost Password Page: using shortcode [iwj_lostpassword]
  • Dashboard Page: using shortcode [iwj_dashboard]
  • Jobs Page: using shortcode [iwj_jobs]
  • Employers Page: using shortcode [iwj_employers]
  • Candidates Page: using shortcode [iwj_candidates]
Slugs Settings

3.5.2 Settings > Job Settings

3.5.3 Settings > Display Settings


3.5.4 Settings > Price Settings

3.5.5 Settings > Email Settings

Note! These emails we use Smarty: PHP Template Engine.

  • New Register:
    • Subject: New Registration
    • Heading: New Registration
    • Content:
      Congratulations! Your account has been registered at {$site_title}
      Your username : {$user_login}
      {if $auto_generate_password eq true}
      Your password has been automatically generated : {$user_password}
      Your password : {$user_password}
      You can manage your account <a href="{$dashboard_url}">here</a>
      Thank you for choosing InJob!
      InJob Team.

Varibles: $user [object IWJ_User], $user_id [integer], $auto_generate_password [boolean], $user_password [string], $user_login [string], $dashboard_url [string

  • Reset Password:
    • Subject: Reset Password Request
    • Heading: Reset Password
    • Content:
      Dear {$user_login} ,
      You recently requested to reset your password for your {$site_title} account. Click <a class="link" href="{$resetpass_url}">here</a> to reset your password
      If you did not request a password reset, please ignore this email or reply to let us know.
      Thank you! InJob Team.
    • Varibles: $user [object IWJ_User], $user_login [string], $resetpass_url [string]
  • New Job: This email will be send to Follower
    • Subject: New Job From {$author_name}
    • Heading: New Job From {$author_name}
    • Content:
      Dear {$follower_name}, {$author_name} submited a job <a href="{$job->permalink()}">job</a> on {$site_title}
      <div class="job-item"> <img src="{get_avatar($author->get_id())}" alt="{$job->get_title()}"> <h3>{$job->get_title()}</h3> <ul class="job-meta"> <li class="author"> <span>Author : </span> <span><a href="{$author->permalink()}">{$author->get_display_name()}</a></span> </li> <li class="salary"> <span>Sallary : </span> <span>{$job->get_salary()}</span> </li> <li class="address"> <span>Address : </span> <span>{$job->get_address()}</span> </li> </ul> </div>
    • Varibles: $job [object IWJ_Job], $author [object IWJ_User], $author_name [string], $follower [object IWJ_User], $follower_name [string]
  • Review Job[Admin]:
    • Subject: Review Job
    • Heading: Review Job
    • Content: 
      {if $is_child_job eq true}
      Hi Admin {$author_name} has been submited an update of <a href="{$parent_job->permalink()}">{$parent_job->get_title()}</a> you should go to browse it
      Hi Admin {$author_name} has been submited job <a href="{$job->permalink()}">{$job->get_title()}</a> you should go to browse it
      You can review <a href="{$job->admin_link()}">here</a>
    • Varibles: $job [object IWJ_Job], $job_title [string], $is_child_job [boolean], $parent_job [object IWJ_Job], $author [object IWJ_User], $author_name [string]
  • Approved Job:
    • Subject: Approved Job {$job_title}
    • Heading: Your Job has been approved!
    • Content:
      {if $is_child_job eq true} Dear {$author_name}, an update of <a href="{$parent_job->permalink()}">{$parent_job->get_title()}</a> has been approved
      You can view your job <a href="{$parent_job->permalink()}">here</a> {else} Dear {$author_name}, job <a href="{$job->permalink()}">{$job->get_title()}</a> has been approved
      You can view your job <a href="{$job->permalink()}">here</a> {/if}
    • Varibles: $job [object IWJ_Job], $job_title [string], $is_child_job [boolean], $parent_job [object IWJ_Job], $author [object IWJ_User], $author_name [string]
  • Rejected Job:
    • Subject: Rejected Job {$job_title}
    • Heading: Your job has been rejected!
    • Content: 
      {if $is_child_job eq true}
      Dear {$author_name}, the update of <a href="{$parent_job->permalink()}">{$parent_job->get_title()}</a> has been rejected.
      Please see the reason below:
      Dear {$author_name}, <a href="{$job->permalink()}">{$job->get_title()}</a> job has been rejected.
      Please see the reason below:
    • Varibles: $job [object IWJ_Job], $job_title [string], $is_child_job [boolean], $parent_job [object IWJ_Job], $author [object IWJ_User], $author_name [string], $reason [string]
  • Alert Jobs:
    • Subject: Hi {$display_name}, {$total_jobs} new jobs for {$position} position is available
    • Heading: {$total_jobs} new jobs for {$position}
    • Content:
      Dear {$display_name}, These are new jobs for you
      <div class="job-list job-list-email"> {foreach from=$jobs item=job} {assign var="author" value=$job->get_author()} <div class="job-item"> <div class="image"> <img src="{get_avatar_url($author->get_id())}" alt="{$job->get_title()}"> </div> <div class="info-wrap"> <h3>{$job->get_title()}</h3> <ul class="job-meta"> <li class="author"> <span>Author</span>:<span><a href="{$author->permalink()}">{$author->get_display_name()}</a></span> </li> <li class="salary"> <span>Sallary</span>:<span>{$job->get_salary()}</span> </li> <li class="address"> <span>Address</span>:<span>{$job->get_full_address()}</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> {/foreach} </div>
    • Varibles: $jobs [Array IWJ_Job Objects], $total_jobs [int], $user [object IWJ_User], $display_name [string], $alert [object IWJ_Alert]
  • Review Profile[Admin]:
    • Subject: Review Profile
    • Heading: Review Profile
    • Content:
      {if $profile_author->is_employer() eq true} Hi Admin, User {$author_name} has been submited profile you should go to browse it {else} Hi Admin, User {$author_name} has been submited resum you should go to browse it {/if}
      You can review <a href="{$profile_admin_url}" target="_blank">here</a>
    • Varibles: $profile [object IWJ_Candidate OR IWJ_Employer], $profile_author [object IWJ_User], $profile_admin_url [string], $author_name [string]
  • Approved Profile:
    • Subject: Approved Profile
    • Heading: Your profile has been approved
    • Content:
      Dear {$author_name}, Your profile has been rejected please see the following reason:
      Click <a href="{$profile_edit_url}">here</a> to update your profile.
      Thank you for visiting {$site_title}! InJob team
    • Varibles: $profile [object IWJ_Candidate OR IWJ_Employer], $profile_author [object IWJ_User], $profile_edit_url [string], $author_name [string], $reason [string]
  • Rejected Profile:
    • Subject: Rejected Profile
    • Heading: Your profile has been rejected
    • Content:
      Dear {$author_name} Your profile has been approved. Now you can click <a href="{$dashboard_url}">here</a> to login and carry out actions
      Thank you for visiting {$site_title}! InJob team
    • Varibles: $profile [object IWJ_Candidate OR IWJ_Employer], $profile_author [object IWJ_User], $dashboard_url [string], $author_name [string]
  • New Order[Admin]:
    • Subject: New Order
    • Heading: New Order
    • Content:
      Hi Admin, {$author_name} has been made an order #{$order_number} please see following details:
      ================================================= Order Number : {$order_number} Created : {$order_date} Order Type : {$order_type_title} {if $order_type == 1 || $order_type == 4} Package: {$order->get_package_title()} {elseif  $order_type == 2 ||  $order_type == 3} For Job: $order->get_job_title() {/if} Total Price : {iwj_system_price($order->get_price(), $order->get_currency())} Order Status : {$order->get_status_title($order->get_status())} Payment Method : {$order->get_payment_method_title()} =================================================
      Thank you! InJob team
      Dear {$author_name} Your profile has been approved. Now you can click <a href="{$dashboard_url}">here</a> to login and carry out actions
      Thank you for visiting {$site_title}! InJob team
    • Varibles: $order_number [int], $order_date [string], $order [object IWJ_Order], $order_status [string], $order_pay_url [string], $order_admin_url [string], $order_type [int], $order_type_title [string], $author [object IWJ_User], , $author_name [string]
  • Hold Order:
    • Subject: Order #{$order_number} is on hold
    • Heading: Thank you for ordering!
    • Content:
      Dear {$author_name}, Your order #{$order_number} is on-hold until the payment is completed. Your detailed order:
      ================================================= Order Number : {$order_number} Created : {$order_date} Order Type : {$order_type_title} {if $order_type == 1 || $order_type == 4} Package: {$order->get_package_title()} {elseif  $order_type == 2 ||  $order_type == 3} For Job: $order->get_job_title() {/if} Total Price : {iwj_system_price($order->get_price(), $order->get_currency())} Order Status : {$order->get_status_title($order->get_status())} Payment Method : {$order->get_payment_method_title()} =================================================
      Thank you! InJob team
    • Varibles: $order_number [int], $order_date [string], $order [object IWJ_Order], $order_status [string], $order_type [int], $order_type_title [string], $author [object IWJ_User], , $author_name [string]
  • Completed Order:
    • Subject: Order #{$order_number} has been completed
    • Heading: Thank you for ordering!
    • Content:
      Dear {$author_name}, Your order #{$order_number} has been completed. Your detailed order:
      ================================================= Order Number : {$order_number} Created : {$order_date} Order Type : {$order_type_title} {if $order_type == 1 || $order_type == 4} Package: {$order->get_package_title()} {elseif  $order_type == 2 ||  $order_type == 3} For Job: $order->get_job_title() {/if} Total Price : {iwj_system_price($order->get_price(), $order->get_currency())} Order Status : {$order->get_status_title($order->get_status())} Payment Method : {$order->get_payment_method_title()} =================================================
      Thank you! InJob team
    • Varibles: $order_number [int], $order_date [string], $order [object IWJ_Order], $order_status [string], $order_type [int], $order_type_title [string], $author [object IWJ_User], , $author_name [string]
  • Customer Note:
    • Subject: {$site_title} Notification for #{$order_number}
    • Heading: Greetings from InJob Team!
    • Content:
      Hello {$author_name} We would love to say somethings about your order #{$order_number} on {$site_title}
      <blockquote>{wpautop( wptexturize( $customer_note ) )}</blockquote>
      For your reference, your order details are shown below: ================================================= Order Number : {$order_number} Created : {$order_date} Order Type : {$order_type_title} {if $order_type == 1 || $order_type == 4} Package: {$order->get_package_title()} {elseif  $order_type == 2 ||  $order_type == 3} For Job: $order->get_job_title() {/if} Total Price : {iwj_system_price($order->get_price(), $order->get_currency())} Order Status : {$order->get_status_title($order->get_status())} Payment Method : {$order->get_payment_method_title()} =================================================
      Thank you! InJob team
    • Varibles: $order_number [int], $order_date [string], $order [object IWJ_Order], $order_status [string], $order_pay_url [string], $order_type [int], $order_type_title [string], $author [object IWJ_User], , $author_name [string]
  • Customer Invoice:
    • Subject: Invoice For Order #{$order_number} from {$order_date} on {$site_title}
    • Heading: Invoice For Order #{$order_number}
    • Subject (Paid): Invoice For Order #{$order_number} from {$order_date} on {$site_title}
    • Heading (Paid): Invoice For Order #{$order_number}
    • Content:
      Dear {$author_name},
      {if $order->has_status('pending-payment') eq true } Your order has been created on {$site_title} and at the pending status. Click <a href="{$order_pay_url}">here</a> to carry out your order payment. {/if}
      Thank you for choosing Injob. Here are your detailed order information:
      ================================================= Order Number : {$order_number} Created : {$order_date} Order Type : {$order_type_title} {if $order_type == 1 || $order_type == 4} Package: {$order->get_package_title()} {elseif  $order_type == 2 ||  $order_type == 3} For Job: $order->get_job_title() {/if} Total Price : {iwj_system_price($order->get_price(), $order->get_currency())} Order Status : {$order->get_status_title($order->get_status())} Payment Method : {$order->get_payment_method_title()} =================================================
      Thank you! InJob team
    • Varibles: $order_number [int], $order_date [string], $order [object IWJ_Order], $order_status [string], $order_pay_url [string], $order_type [int], $order_type_title [string], $author [object IWJ_User], , $author_name [string]
  • New Application[Applier]:
    • Subject: You have been applied for {$job_title} at {$job_author_name}
    • Heading: Thank you for your application
    • Content:
    • Varibles: $job [object IWJ_Job], $job_title [string], $job_url [string], $job_author [object IWJ_User], $job_author_name [string], $applier [object IWJ_User], $applier_name [string], $applier_email [string], , $application [object IWJ_Application]
  • New Application[Employer]
    • Subject: New application for {$job_title}
    • Heading: New application
    • Content:
      Dear {$applier_name},
      Your application has been sent to {$job_author_name}. The employer will consider and contact to you as soon as possible if your abilities match their requirement.
      Your detailed application:
      Fullname :  {$application->get_full_name()}
      Email : {$application->get_email()}
      {assign var="cv" value=$application->get_cv()}
      Candidate CV :  {if isset($cv)}<a href="{$cv['url']}">Download full CV</a>{/if}
      {assign var="fields" value=IWJ_Application::get_form_fields()}
      {assign var="core_fields" value=IWJ_Application::get_core_fields()}
      {foreach from=$fields key=k item=field}
      {if !in_array($k, $core_fields)}
      $field['name']} : {$application->get_field_value($field)}
      Candidate Message :
      Thank you!
      InJob team
    • Varibles: $job [object IWJ_Job], $job_title [string], $job_url [string], $job_author [object IWJ_User], $job_author_name [string], $applier [object IWJ_User], $applier_name [string], $applier_email [string], , $application [object IWJ_Application]
  • Application: Will be sent to applier when employer accept or reject an application.
    • Subject: {$subject}
    • Heading: Email From {from_name}
    • Content: 
    • Varibles: $application [object IWJ_Application], $job [object IWJ_Job], $job_author [object IWJ_Author], $applier [object IWJ_User], $applier_name [string], $applier_email [string]
    • Default Accepted application Subject: Congratulations! Your resume has passed our application round
    • Default Accepted application Content:
      Hi #applier_name#,
      Lacinia fusce nam nibh diam rhoncus sodales, vestibulum blandit viverra facilisis velit, ante auctor sociis et ornare. Sociis condimentum massa suscipit nisl parturient platea hac, in iaculis congue nec ridiculus mus, himenaeos consequat vulputate lacus velit natoque. Eleifend euismod interdum sem imperdiet consequat tristique augue per condimentum nam platea feugiat cum, parturient ligula enim ullamcorper vivamus commodo purus.
      Best Regard,
      InJob inc.
    • Varibles: #applier_name#, #applier_email#
    • Default Rejected application Subject: Unfortunately! Your resume didn’t passed our application round
    • Default Accepted application Content:
      Hi #applier_name#,
      Lacinia fusce nam nibh diam rhoncus sodales, vestibulum blandit viverra facilisis velit, ante auctor sociis et ornare. Sociis condimentum massa suscipit nisl parturient platea hac, in iaculis congue nec ridiculus mus, himenaeos consequat vulputate lacus velit natoque. Eleifend euismod interdum sem imperdiet consequat tristique augue per condimentum nam platea feugiat cum, parturient ligula enim ullamcorper vivamus commodo purus.
      Best Regard,
      InJob inc.
  • Contact Email: Will be send when user contact employer, candidate or applier.
    • Subject: {$subject}
    • Heading: Contact From {$from_name}
    • Content: {$message}
    • Varibles: $subject [string], $message [string], $user [object IWJ_User], $item_id [int], $author [object IWJ_User], $from_name [string], $from_email [string], $to_name [string], $to_email [string]

3.5.6 Settings >

Apply Methods


3.5.7 Settings > Social Logins

We provide four social login methods: Facebook, Google, Twitter and LinkedIn Facebook

You can see how to create a app on Facebook to find API Keys for website and app use GoogleYou can see how to generate API Key and OAth Client ID

Note! - Using callback param iwj_social_login=google Twitter

You can see how to Create Consumer Key For Login with Twitter Linkedin

You can see how to Create LinkedIn App, Client ID, and Client Secret

3.5.8 Settings > Payment gateways

We provide four payment gateways methods: Direct Bank Transfer, Paypal, Authorize Strip and Skrill Direct Bank Transfer Paypal

You can see how how to Find Your PayPal PDT Token Authorize

Authorize - API Login ID and Transaction Key Stripe

How to get Stripe API Keys Skrill

How to get Merchan ID & Secret word